Welcome Courtney, Emerald Crest Music Therapist

January 4, 2023

Courtney, Emerald Crest Music Therapist, will provide group music therapy in each house and also provide small group or individual sessions as directed by the care team.

Courtney, Music Therapist at Emerald CrestFrom Courtney: ”I have been a music therapist for over ten years, with most of my experience in memory care and hospice in various settings on the East Coast. I also became a nurse along the way, with the goal of providing holistic care to all people. I believe that we can achieve excellent care for seniors when we consider medicine in addition to complementary care to treat the whole person, body and soul.

”Memory care is my passion, and I came to Minnesota a few years ago to work with Cassia in another memory care facility. I am thrilled to start this music therapy program at Emerald Crest, and am looking forward to meeting all of the residents and families. I am also excited to learn new preferred music, and am always taking specific song requests to add to my repertoire!

”I love to go on adventures with my husband and toddler, and I enjoy visiting the beautiful parks around the Twin Cities. Let me know if there are any must see spots around the southwest metro, as this is a new place for me to explore! Happy New Year, and please say hi if you run into me, as I’ll be rotating between all four sites.”

Courtney will be spending one day at each Emerald Crest location per week. She will provide group music therapy in each house, and also provide small group or individual sessions as directed by the care team. Specific days and times for each location will be communicated to families in the weekly emails. Courtney can be reached via email if you have any special requests or questions.


At Emerald Crest, we offer a deep knowledge of memory care in a specialized assisted living setting for seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia-related conditions. We encourage you to contact us directly with any questions or request a tour. For tours and general information, please contact Elizabeth Wendel at 952-908-2215.

Emerald Crest by Cassia provides memory care in a unique environment, specifically designed to support those with cognitive issues. Utilizing this exceptional model of care, individuals with dementia, Alzheimer’s and related conditions can flourish in positive relationships and participation in meaningful activities. Memory care is offered in the Minneapolis – Saint Paul area with communities in four convenient locations: ShakopeeBurnsvilleMinnetonka and Victoria, MN.

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Thank you all for making a difficult choice for us into one that was so positively memorable. We are grateful for the environment and care you gave our parents.

— Kim, daughter of resident
