Forgetfulness and Dementia

December 19, 2014

At times we all forget little details like where we placed our keys or we forget to buy an item on our grocery list. This is normal. Regardless of age, when we are stressed or fatigued it is not uncommon to forget the details. As a result many of us develop techniques that we use to aid our memory including checklists, calendars, and “to do lists”.

As people age, the time it takes them to learn and retain new information may increase in length. However, with time and patience normal functioning older adults will be able to retain and recall information.

Many seniors are fearful of memory loss. Research shows that there are steps one can take to promote a healthy brain. The Alzheimer’s Association offers the following tips.

Healthy Brain Tips:

Eat healthy: Foods rich in anti-oxidants and folic acid as well as water and fruit juice. Avoid fatty foods as well as caffeine and alcoholic beverages.

  • Stay active: Activities which exercise both your body and brain.
  • Support system: Maintain a good support system that allows for social interaction.
  • Rest, relax, and sleep: Stress and lack of sleep can have negative affects on your body. Maintain balance within your life.
  • Visit your doctor: Annual physicals allow you to talk with your doctor, ask questions, and monitor your health and medications.

When memory loss becomes more significant

For some, memory loss can be more significant. When memory loss begins to interfere with day-to-day functioning the problem may be a warning sign of something more. For example:

  • Difficulty managing medications
  • Significant weight loss due to missed meals
  • Frequent hospitalizations due to noncompliance with medication regime
  • Inability to organize finances; overdrawn accounts, vulnerable to scams
  • Disorganized household, decreased cleanliness
  • Failure to meet deadlines at work

Family, friends, and acquaintances should take note when a significant change in skill, routine, or behavior occurs, particularly if the person is very different than before the change. For example:

  • An accountant who can no longer add 2+2
  • A computer programmer who cannot remember how to turn on the computer

It is important to note that any one of the issues mentioned above alone does not signify memory loss. Instead, it offers a “red flag” which warrants additional attention and investigation.

What to do if memory loss is suspected?

Whenever memory loss is suspected the first step is to see a physician. Your primary physician can refer you to a specialist who can work to identify the cause of the memory loss. Generally your physician may refer you to a neurologist, internist, and/or a psychiatrist.

Why is a physician visit needed?

Memory loss can have numerous origins. Some medical conditions when left untreated can result in increased confusion and memory loss. As a result, an individual may be inaccurately diagnosed with a form of dementia when in fact they may have a medical condition such as thyroid problems, lack of Vitamin B12, drug reaction, infection, or depression. A physician will complete a battery of tests identifying any treatable conditions and recommending appropriate treatment if it is warranted.

If the memory loss and confusion are due to a medical condition when treatment is provided the individual may notice a decrease or elimination of symptoms.

Learn more... What Is Dementia?

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High on our list for a place for our Mom was connection to the church, closeness to her church home, Gethsemane Lutheran, and a private room with her own phone line! Mom was not the kind to share a room. Her opinions were strongly held and vocally shared. We loved that about her, but realized that another might not. Though the cooking was not to her liking ("they never met an onion") we and she realized that residents have many dietary needs. She ate dessert first. The staff, however, allowed us to buy Grape Nuts to offer when she showed up early for breakfast. We endured COVID without Mom, the former TB patient, getting it. When I had other care concerns, staff addressed those at once. It was a good place for my Mom. The Chaplain even showed up wearing a tee shirt with her photo and the phrase "Valedictorian" a fact Mom managed to mention to every new care giver.

— Carol, daughter of resident
