Betty’s Story

August 30, 2023

A Beautiful Journey of Faith: Roxie’s Baptism at Emerald Crest

This story was published with Cassia's Gratitude Report. The original was posted on August 30, 2023 and can be found at the end of this article.

Pastor Arlen Solem and Betty, celebrating her baptism

Above, Betty, also known as Roxie, with Reverend Arlen Solem.

At 84 years old, Emerald Crest resident Roxie felt a calling to be baptized.

One afternoon, while talking with fellow residents, the group shared stories about being baptized in their younger years. Roxie had accepted the Lord as her savior, but had never been baptized. In fact, all of her children had been baptized and, for most of her life, they had all been involved participants in their shared faith.

In that moment, Roxie knew in her heart what was missing. She spoke to Pastor Arlen Solem, her chaplain at Emerald Crest, and expressed her longing for the sacrament.

With his support, her wish became a reality.


Above, Betty, also known as Roxie.

Planning the baptism

Pastor Arlen first called Roxie’s daughter, Tracy, to plan the ceremony at Emerald Crest. Tracy says her mother tends to shy away from being in the spotlight, so she was initially surprised at the request.

However, she realized it wasn’t entirely unexpected. Roxie had found spiritual support and acceptance at Emerald Crest, especially during regular worship services and her Bible studies with Pastor Arlen.

One Friday afternoon during a worship service, Roxie, surrounded by the love of her supportive daughters and peers, was baptized. With gentle hands, Pastor Arlen poured a little water over Roxie’s head, marking this significant moment of her spiritual journey.

“I’ve never seen an older person be baptized,” Roxie says, reflecting on her experience. “It was all new and beautiful.”

Afterwards, Pastor Arlen organized a celebratory gathering at Emerald Crest, complete with cake and a commemorative baptismal certificate. He felt deeply honored and moved by Roxie’s request, grateful to have been a part of such an important moment.

“It was a very powerful and honoring thing for me,” Arlen says. “In the moment, it was a big honor to the other people there and what a special worship service to have.”

Tracy observed how Emerald Crest played a pivotal role in fulfilling her mother’s spiritual needs.
“It’s helped contribute to her happiness,” Tracy says. “She embraced it and felt a connection with God and the church.”

“Arlen has become a very special person in my mom’s life and we are so grateful for him,” she adds.

Despite Roxie's usual reluctance to be in the spotlight, Tracy noticed a newfound sense of pride in her mother after the baptism, finding joy in sharing her story with others.


Thanks to donors

Roxie’s baptism became a reality thanks to generous donors like you.

Contributions and proceeds from a Cassia-sponsored golf tournament play a crucial role in supporting spiritual life in our communities. The 2023 Cassia Golf Tournament, raised more than $220,000 and significantly aided in establishing chaplaincy programs in communities who do not have them.

These funds also help Cassia and site leadership in expanding existing programs, providing resources to enhance residents’ worship services, such as those experienced by Roxie at Emerald Crest.

Your contributions are impactful, and we thank you for your generous support in enriching the lives of our residents.



The original story, posted on August 30, 2023, follows.

Pastor Arlen Solem and Betty, celebrating her baptism

Above, Betty, also known as Roxie, celebrates her baptism with Reverend Arlen Solem.

A resident of Emerald Crest is baptized following the welcome she received in our spiritual community

When Betty moved into Emerald Crest, she was very self-conscious about some of the symptoms of her Parkinson’s. Betty experienced some involuntary movements of her arms, head and upper body, and she worried that people would stare or make comments. As a result, Betty could sometimes be reclusive or try to stay in the background at group activities.

Slowly, Betty began participating, and as her comfort developed, she was happy to sit near the front and actively participate in groups and activities. 

Betty recently shared with us that she had never been baptized and that she wanted to be baptized at one of the weekly worship services.  Betty’s children had all been baptized and for most of her life they all had been involved participants in their shared faith. I asked Betty what made her so interested in baptism now, and at Emerald Crest.  Among other things, Betty said that she experienced such a welcome feeling in the Emerald Crest spiritual community. 

Betty’s Baptism

After several weeks, Betty’s daughters participated in a worship service and on that day, Betty was baptized. At her baptism, we thanked the whole community and the whole church, as they were integral in Betty’s desire to take this next step in her faith journey.

Betty is now able to be whole, through the waters of baptism. Betty is now comfortable accepting her whole self without fear of her disease, or how it might make others feel about her.  Her brokenness is no longer at the forefront.  Being a precious Child of God is now first and foremost.

Reverend Arlen Solem

Chaplain and Campus Pastor


In gratitude, thank you so much to all of our volunteers and donors who make all of the work we do at Cassia possible. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and needed to ensure we are able to fulfill our mission.

For questions about our spiritual care program, or if you would like spiritual care and support for you or your loved one, contact Chaplain Arlen Solem at 612-263-0503. or

At Emerald Crest, we offer a deep knowledge of memory care in a specialized assisted living setting for seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia-related conditions. We encourage you to contact us directly with any questions or request a tour. For tours and general information, please contact Elizabeth Wendel at 952-908-2215.

Emerald Crest by Cassia provides memory care in a unique environment, specifically designed to support those with cognitive issues. Utilizing this exceptional model of care, individuals with dementia, Alzheimer’s and related conditions can flourish in positive relationships and participation in meaningful activities. Memory care is offered in the Minneapolis – Saint Paul area with communities in four convenient locations: ShakopeeBurnsvilleMinnetonka, MN.

Schedule a tour

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For over two and a half years my husband was a resident. A former nurse, a good friend of mine, went with me to look over memory care facilities and, after a few moments at Emerald Crest we both agreed this was the place for Chuck. I was happy to visit there and observe their daily activities and how they engaged the residents and how caring all the staff was. I have even visited after my husband's death, because I wanted to see staff people again. We couldn't have made a better choice.

— Alice, wife of resident
