Debbie and Lynn's Story

My mother’s needs changed significantly in the last few years. She began leaving notes for herself to remind her of things she used to know, such as how much laundry detergent to use. She was unable to remember how to use her cell phone or her laptop, frequently thinking they were broken. As a former pharmacist, she resisted any help with her medication.
Additionally, it was evident our mom needed to be in a secure community. In her previous building, she occasionally called a cab to go out. However, she was confused and forgot where she was going or how to get back.
My sister and sister-in-law searched around and found Emerald Crest, which they really liked. Fortunately, there was an opening for Mom.
I have spent a lot of time at Emerald Crest and was extremely happy to observe that everything we were told about the care is delivered. The consistency of Emerald Crest’s schedule, three healthy meals a day and staff and resident interaction all helped her settle in comfortably within about two months. Oftentimes, my mom says, "It's like a sorority here." (She wasn't in one but always wanted to be!) She also says staff and residents are like a family.
Due to balancing issues, Mom has progressed to a cane, then a walker. Staff, nurses and occupational therapists all know her needs, which helps immensely. They are providing what Mom needs to try to prevent falls.
After acclimating to her new home, our conversations with Mom were easier as she seemed more alert and memory retention was a bit longer. Now, as her dementia is advancing, that isn't the case, but it was wonderful to have a long time during which we were able to have memorable conversations.
Moving our mom into Emerald Crest positively affected my life as well. My brother and I went to Mom’s place frequently to help with many day-to-day tasks. It is delightful to know Mom is as happy as she can be right now. Our visits have become social rather than task oriented.
I highly recommend Emerald Crest! The staff really seems to love their jobs and turnover seems low. If you are in a similar position, I recommend you consider Emerald Crest, which offers four communities around the Twin Cities. It is a blessing to have our mom in a beautiful setting with people who are kind, caring and happy.
Debbie Hanson
(Lynn’s Daughter)